Condom distribution and demonstration

During our meetings, we share information about the female and male condoms then we give out our reports and the numbers that has been given out. Thus gives the office the numbers of condoms distributed within the month.
We also do correct and consistent condom use demonstrations to sex workers at various hotspots. Also we give to our clients within there working stations. We advocate and promote safer sex practices to our peers and clients. We also conduct one on one session to our peers and clients.
1. Myths and misconceptions about condom
2. Incorrect condom use
3. Alcohol and drug influence that leads to improper choice decision.
Survivors’ organization distributes condoms in the whole of busia during our peer session, sensitization meetings, outreaches and mounting in all our hotspots condom dispensers.
The response on condom use turned out to be positive.
The access to condoms turned out to be positive.
Reduction of sexual transmitted infections.
condom distribution

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