On 26/7/ 2014, survivors’ organization conducted HTC services in Nambale town, in partnership with APHIA PLUS WESTERN KENYA. The HTC service was planned to start at 8.00am but due to communication problems, the activity kicked off at 12noon. We managed to provide services to 125 clients thus lead to one off our achievements. We had a total number of 8 counselors and 15 mobilizes.
By 5:30pm we had already met our target and surpassed the target by 35 clients. We also managed to distribute 871 condoms.
Mobilization team did their best to ensure the right and positive information was well facilitated. Achievements
.We managed to reach a quite number of people
. Our targets were reached and surpassed by 35 clients.
. Right and clear positive information on correct and consistent condom use was well spread.
. We intended to conduct cancer screening in which did not take place.
. Improper communication with our partners
Month: July 2014
Condom distribution and demonstration
During our meetings, we share information about the female and male condoms then we give out our reports and the numbers that has been given out. Thus gives the office the numbers of condoms distributed within the month.
We also do correct and consistent condom use demonstrations to sex workers at various hotspots. Also we give to our clients within there working stations. We advocate and promote safer sex practices to our peers and clients. We also conduct one on one session to our peers and clients.
1. Myths and misconceptions about condom
2. Incorrect condom use
3. Alcohol and drug influence that leads to improper choice decision.
Survivors’ organization distributes condoms in the whole of busia county.ie during our peer session, sensitization meetings, outreaches and mounting in all our hotspots condom dispensers.
The response on condom use turned out to be positive.
The access to condoms turned out to be positive.
Reduction of sexual transmitted infections.
The survivors organization have been holding sensitization meeting with the police and sex workers on a quarterly basis to air out the challenges that sex workers face while at work from the police officers .
Before this sensitization meetings , the sex workers could run whenever they saw the police officers even if they were not on the wrong , this always provoked the police officers to chase and arrest them.
The police officers have been arresting sex workers, take them to the police station ,then at night the police officers come and take the sex workers to their rooms, abuse them sexually without paying , then in the morning they return them to the cells. Sometimes when sex workers were arrested , the police officers used to ask for bribes, but due to the sensitization meeting the sex workers now know that they are not supposed to bribe the police ,but they would rather agree to go to court to get justice .
This meetings have helped the sex workers address their challenges with the police and it has resulted in the police working hand in hand with the sex workers .
This meetings with the police have helped the sex workers to know that they have rights and that this rights was being violated by the police officers , the police also came to know that they are not supposed to be arresting sex workers without a proper reason, the police also learnt that the sex workers can help them to arrest criminals because some of this criminals are the clients of sex workers.
This have resulted in the police putting a customer care desk where the sex workers can go and report any violation done to them.
Whenever a sex worker is arrested ,the police calls the organization that one of the members has been arrested ,this makes it easy for the organization to make follow ups even if the member is taken to court so that the fines can be paid.