

It was an exiting day for few survivor members who learn t on how to upload the website.

it was so interesting to learn new technologies , how to write stories and upload to the website, this is something we have been longing to know for a long time, thanks to Rebecca for being so impatient with us so that we can learn at our pees   , GOD BLESS YOU BECKY.



When a client won’t just finish………

One evening  CHRISTABEL a sex worker in Busia County went out on business at Governors lounge which is one of the hot spots where sex workers get clients in busia town. As usual, she got to the hot spot and after a short while got her first client JACK who they agreed on the price of a shot and later went to Florida guest house for business.

Upon reaching the guest house they got down to business as they had agreed. Normally a shot takes about 15mins but this went on and on and on, until Christabel was wondering when it was going to end. After a long wait that never came to an end Jack decide to use his fingers when his dick had failed him.

This was even worse than the act itself, he finger fucked the lady until   she started to bleed, Christabel couldn’t take it anymore that’s when she decided to call for help, she managed to send a text to her fellow sex workers who came to her rescue.

Sex workers who came were paralegals they talked to the security personnel and together they went and knocked on the door, the client opened the door and Christabel was released and jack was forced to pay double the amount and also paid for the damage he had caused.

The names used are not the true names of the victims








Sex workers in class……

In September, peer educators from Survivors Busia conducted two trainings, targeting Female Sex Workers (FSWs) and Men who have Sex with Men (MSMs) for Splash inside out and Sister to sister projects.

The Splash inside out was for the both FSWs and MSMs Peer educators while the Sister to Sister was for the FSWs only. The trainings were each for three days and the aim was to refresh the peer educator’s memory and enable them disseminate quality information to the peers.

The sister to sister project is a new intervention that seeks to address the needs of sex workers through one on one basis within duration of 45 minutes. The intervention has all the steps required which involves risk assessment, health education, condom negotiation skills, condom demonstration and finally referral for bio-medical services.

The highlight of the training was about the reporting tools which have been a problem to some of the peer educators and needed time to be taken through to make reporting easy and also be able to collect quality data. Another highlight is that the training pave way for replacement of some peer educators who had changed town. New peer educators were trained to fill the gaps. The six days were full of group work discussions, presentation and active participation by all members.

At the end of the training the members left while happy and were given reporting tools and transport as motivation and headed straight to the hot spot for the moonlight HTC outreach to mobilize their peers and clients for the service.


Survivors Busia Team Deepens Technology Training

For the past one year, the Survivors Busia team has been engaging in training on how to use technology to help the members engage more with the community and law enforcement.

The community organization, mainly composed of sex workers has made been engaging police officers, clients and sex workers in Busia on ways to safeguard their rights and fostering deeper understanding of some of the problems.

Busia is a border town between Kenya and Uganda and the truck drivers form majority of the clientele. Given the international and cross border challenges, Survivors has been looking for new ways to raise awareness on some of the challenges and prejudices facing sex workers.

With the improved connectivity, sex workers are finding clients of Facebook, social media, or sex work websites, which has made reporting more complicated, in cases of abuse or violence.

The development of online forums has led to challenges similar to “offline” problems and this has provided another forum for Survivors to engage with more people.

Understanding digital and social media opportunities and challenges has become a priority for Survivors Busia members, which led to the training.

After lessons on email, opening social media accounts and updating them, developing and uploading content, the team is now ready to start uploading its content on the website.

The training is usually conducted in groups owing to the team spirit at Survivors Busia; we like to uplift each other 🙂 There has also been shortage of computers and as the organisation grows, we hope to advance technologically.