HIV community-led monitoring (CLM) is an accountability mechanism for HIV responses at different levels, led and implemented by local community-led organizations of people living with HIV, networks of key populations, other affected groups or other community entities.

Community-led monitoring (CLM) is a technique initiated and implemented by local community-based organizations and other civil society groups, networks of key populations (KP), people living with HIV (PLHIV), and other affected groups, or other community entities that gather quantitative and qualitative data about HIV services. The CLM focus remains on getting input from recipients of HIV services in a routine and systematic manner that will translate into action and change.

The sensitization supported by KESWA (Kenya Sex Workers Alliance)

As we mark World Sex Workers Day, Theme: Access to Justice aims to ensure that we collectively work towards demanding rights and justice for all sex workers.


Here are ways of Preventing the spread of Cholera:

1. Boiling or treating all drinking water or water used for cooking and storing it in clean covered containers.

2. Safe disposal of faeces, including children’s faeces, in toilets/latrines.

3. Always wash your hands with soap under running water before handling, preparing, serving, and eating food; feeding your child and after using the toilet or handling a child’s faeces

4. Cooking food thoroughly and serving it while still hot. All remaining food should be safely stored and covered to avoid contamination.

5. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with clean running water, especially if they are to be eaten raw.6. Get vaccinated against Cholera. The Oral Cholera Vaccine is given through the mouth and it’s free, safe, and effective. Please note: Patients with Cholera must be taken to a health center immediately. If not treated, Cholera may cause severe dehydration, leading to death.




As the saying goes, “Safety comes first!” Survivors organization is in the frontline to ensure that all the covid-19 rules, measures and regulations have been followed. The risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace depends on the likelihood of coming within 1 metre of others, in having frequent physical contact with people who may be infected with COVID-19, and through contact with contaminated surfaces and objects.

For each risk assessment, consider the environment, the task, the threat, resources available, such as personal protective equipment, and the feasibility of protective measures. The risk assessment should also extend to collective accommodation provided by the employer for workers, such as dormitories.  Essential public services, such as security and police, food retail, accommodation, public transport, deliveries, water and sanitation, and other frontline workers may be at an increased risk of exposure to occupational hazards for health and safety. Workers who may be at higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 illness because of age or pre-existing medical conditions should be considered in the risk assessment for individuals.

WHO and public health authorities around the world are taking action to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. However, long term success cannot be taken for granted. All sections of our society – including businesses and employers – must play a role if we are to stop the spread of this disease.

Survivors Organization Director Madam Caroline Kemunto undergoing Covid-19 test at the Safespace.
ICT Officer Mr Mathew Nyabwana is on the frontline in ensuring a safer working space free from Covid-19.


Our main aim was to create a free working environment with bunyala sub-county between the key populations and the public health providers. This was one way of promoting positive attitude between the KP community and health providers.

In terms of :

  1. Reduction of stigma and discrimination from the health care workers.
Fsw Outreach Worker from Bunyala sharering her experience
Ssg director giving an overview about our organization


Survivors Organization had a dialogue sensitization with the law enforcers in Butula sub-county, Busia countyAgenda of sensitization was about sex workers and human violation thank to the Ocs Butula police station for the mobilization because we managed to have 24 and above police officer in the room we were privileged to have a session with you and hoping that the message we deliver to you will not taken for granted but you are becoming now our AmbassadorsGetting in touch with the law enforcers will survivors organization and it’s members to run their activities smoothly in a conducive environmentWithout stigma and discrimination from the police officers#Sexworkiswork#Sexworkersarehumanrights#RespectMyworkitsmychoice


Sex Worker Pride is an opportunity to celebrate and share stories of sex workers’ self-determination and the achievements of the sex worker rights movement over the last year.Sex Worker Pride extends to all marginalised by criminalisation, discrimination and stigma across the sex worker movement and celebrates the diversity within our community during International Sex Worker Pride.


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone, including key populations at higher risk of HIV. And the gains made against other infectious diseases, including HIV, are at risk of being reversed as a result of disruptions caused by COVID-19. This is the background to a new report published by FHI 360, in collaboration with UNAIDS and the World Health Organization (WHO), which gives advice on how to minimize the impacts of COVID-19 on key populations.

“With a focus on key populations, this guidance complements ongoing efforts to sustain access to HIV prevention services and commodities, sexual health and family planning services, prevention of gender-based violence and HIV counselling, testing and treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Paula Munderi, Coordinator of the Global HIV Prevention Coalition at UNAIDS. “Preserving essential HIV services for key populations and promoting the safety and well-being of staff and community members during the COVID-19 pandemic is vital to maintaining the hard-fought gains of the AIDS response.”

With practical guidance on how to support the continuation of HIV services for people living with HIV and key populations, the report is aimed at helping the implementers of programmes to carry on their work.

“Key populations are particularly vulnerable to HIV service interruptions and additional harm during the COVID-19 pandemic. We urgently require rights-based solutions that maintain or increase key populations’ access to HIV services while minimizing potential exposure to COVID-19 and promoting individuals’ safety. These must support physical distancing and decongestion of health facilities, but in ways that respond to the current realities of key populations,” said Rose Wilcher, from FHI 360.

The report gives practical suggestions in three main areas.

The first is on protecting providers and community members from COVID-19. HIV services can only continue to be provided during the COVID-19 pandemic if steps are taken to prevent coronavirus infection among programme staff, providers and beneficiaries. Links to COVID-19-related screening and care, and services to support the mental well-being of providers and beneficiaries, can also be given as part of HIV services.

The second area is supporting safe and sustained access to HIV services and commodities. HIV programmes can integrate physical distancing measures, offer virtual consultations and give multimonth dispensing of HIV medicines. Physical peer outreach should be continued where possible.

Monitoring service continuity and improving outcomes is the third area covered by the report. Since there are likely to be service disruptions, HIV programmes will need to adjust their monitoring and evaluation systems in order to allow for regular assessments of continued HIV service delivery and of the impact of COVID-19 on HIV programmes and their beneficiaries. This may require setting up strategic information systems that use physical distancing measures such as virtual data collection and reporting tools.

“The COVID-19 pandemic shouldn’t be used as an excuse to slow momentum in the global response to HIV among key populations. Instead, the pandemic is a time to draw lessons from our work to end AIDS. It is also an opportunity to provide relief to health systems overstretched by COVID-19 by fully funding community-based organizations led by gay and bisexual men, people who use drugs, sex workers and transgender people to ensure improved access to HIV services for key populations,” said George Ayala, Executive Officer of MPact.

“It remains critical to ensure access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services during COVID-19 and sustain access to life-saving services. This document provides practical guidance and know-how on maintaining essential health services for key populations in these challenging times,” said Annette Verster, the technical lead on key populations at the WHO Department of HIV, Hepatitis and STIs.

The report was developed by FHI 360 as part of the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project, which is supported by USAID and the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. UNAIDS, WHO, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and partners gave inputs and advice.


Survivors Director being awaded by upendo group for the good work and support

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity. Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is. This was part of what UPENDO Group, one of the strongest Female Sex workers group (FSWs) who was part of   the groups trained on Village Banking on how they can improve on their livelihood. After a long journey. They decided to show their gratitude’s. They took their time and sacrificed to show their appreciation. Salute to UPENDO Group.  It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever – the one who recognizes the challenges and does something about it. Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.