At last, a new look for the Organization

The management and staff of survivors

a painter scripting new logo on the wall at the office premises.

An Artist at work drawing new logo on the wall at the office premises.

a painter scripting new logo on the wall at the office premises.

taking survivors to the next level

organization would like to congratulate, I HUB team from Nairobi which has been in the upper hand making sure survivors organization enhance the quality communication skills in the world of I.T.
Through the support from Open Society foundation OSEA, the organization has not only benefited from legal aid support program me but also managed to enhance new look creating vital channels in strategizing effective communication.
In creating workable ideas and mission, the organization also restructured their logo with the aim of making effective impact in order to enhance clear perspective and vision for their members. This has also enabled us to get more support from stakeholders and donors at large creating impact in our local surrounding and the world at large through share ring success stories, news and also human rights advocacy.
This great innovation will surely enhance the quality of services, empowerment, vision and mission at large .It is indeed a step forward in fulfilling the visions we have for the organization as a whole securing an internationally recognized reputation as one of the finest most diverse organization.
We believe this will greatly help us enhance and get more support leading to success and great achievements.


Survivors is an organization that fights for the rights of sex workers, promotes health awareness to its members and sex workers community at large

Founded in the year 1999, the organization has been empowering female sex workers,( F.S.W) on behavior change concept, providing eloquent knowledge on importance of Voluntarily Counseling and Testing Center (V.C.T),HIV/AIDS Information ,Information on how to prevent themselves from contacting Sexually Transmitted Diseases   S.T.I/S.T.Ds.

Survivors empower sex workers by teaching them about their rights and how to claim them when threatened. These tools enable sex workers to challenge physical sexual abuse by clients and police officers, and in some cases even prevent it.

Not only has Survivors observed a decline in the risks to these women`s health, but sex workers now have improved access to health care services.”At the time (of the detention), I didn’t know my rights. Thanks to Survivors Organization for training me as a paralegal .I am now able to stop the same situation from happening again. We simply tell the officers that we know our rights and that if they arrest us, we should be taken to the police station. If they demand bribe from us we refuse” says Eunice who is a member and also a trained paralegal.”It is a great privilege to be able to help others as a paralegal. Many sex workers who had never known that our constitution has a Bill of Rights now exercise those rights because of their experience.”

By ensuring the direct and central involvement of sex workers in the design and implementation of its projects, Survivors has remained attuned to the needs of the sex workers community and is better able to advance their rights and health in tandem.


Survivors Organization members protesting marking.END VIOLENCE AGAINST SEX WORKERS RIGHTS.

Survivors Organization members protesting marking.END VIOLENCE AGAINST SEX WORKERS RIGHTS.

Survivors Busia Team Deepens Technology Training

For the past one year, the Survivors Busia team has been engaging in training on how to use technology to help the members engage more with the community and law enforcement.

The community organization, mainly composed of sex workers has made been engaging police officers, clients and sex workers in Busia on ways to safeguard their rights and fostering deeper understanding of some of the problems.

Busia is a border town between Kenya and Uganda and the truck drivers form majority of the clientele. Given the international and cross border challenges, Survivors has been looking for new ways to raise awareness on some of the challenges and prejudices facing sex workers.

With the improved connectivity, sex workers are finding clients of Facebook, social media, or sex work websites, which has made reporting more complicated, in cases of abuse or violence.

The development of online forums has led to challenges similar to “offline” problems and this has provided another forum for Survivors to engage with more people.

Understanding digital and social media opportunities and challenges has become a priority for Survivors Busia members, which led to the training.

After lessons on email, opening social media accounts and updating them, developing and uploading content, the team is now ready to start uploading its content on the website.

The training is usually conducted in groups owing to the team spirit at Survivors Busia; we like to uplift each other 🙂 There has also been shortage of computers and as the organisation grows, we hope to advance technologically.