Monthly Archives: October 2014


The Msm, s monthly P/E meeting is always held at Busia survivor’s office through the collaboration of survivor and APHIAplus western. The peer educators bring their reports and share the challenges they faced in the field during the month.

The 29th of October meeting we had visitors from NASCOP and OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE OF EAST AFRICA, thus we did not have the normal meeting procedure


The visitor from NASCOP introduced herself and shared with us new tools which were introduced in the new project in which reporting will be conduced monthly. Also Msm, s shared their challenges, achievements faced during the month.


Also at our meeting, Msm, s shared their challenges with the team from OSIEA who have been in the office from Monday 27th The visitors introduced themselves and said that they came to our organization so as to build and help on what we have to make our work easy. They have much to share with us until on Friday 31st. October.


Report submission was done as usual where by the entire peer educators submitted their report in which it was rectified by the programs manager who is also the supervisor. The meeting ended with the word of prayer from one of the peer educators

The P/E monthly report submission

The monthly P/E meeting is always held at Busia survivor’s office through the collaboration of survivor and APHIAplus western . The peer educators bring their reports and share the challenges they faced in the field during the month.

The 28 th of October meeting started by a word of prayer from one of the P/E, the minutes were not read because the P/E didn’t have their September monthly meeting because they were having a training ,they went straight to the agendas of the day , we had visitors from NASCOP and OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE OF EAST AFRICA, thus we did not have the normal procedure

The visitor from NASCOP introduced herself and  wanted to know if the P/E report she had left are helping them, some said yes , some said the writing was small and they were promised that it will be enlarged , generally she thanked the ladies for the good work.


The visitors introduced themselves and said that they are here to build and help on what we have to make our work easy  . the challenges were put on hold till Thur because of time , the meeting ended with a word of prayer from one P/E.



It was an exiting day for few survivor members who learn t on how to upload the website.

it was so interesting to learn new technologies , how to write stories and upload to the website, this is something we have been longing to know for a long time, thanks to Rebecca for being so impatient with us so that we can learn at our pees   , GOD BLESS YOU BECKY.



Sex workers children forum

It was a very happy day for the sex workers children who gathered at survivor’s office to discuss ways to be good role models in the society.

The inaugural forum was meant to bring together children of sex workers to educate them on how to address the challenges they undergo and also to become good role models, it organized by the Survivor’s organization in collaboration with APHIAplus the facilitators were Bramwell Siku from APHIAplus and Joseph Arango L.V.C.T. It was a new beginning where they learnt new skills on how to become role models in the future community. There were two sessions, morning and afternoon session.

The day began by a self introduction from the children then the facilitators introduced themselves, the facilitators took through life skills and also the challenges that the children of sex workers go through below are some of the challenges the children go though

i)                   Abuse from the community

ii)                 Abuse from fellow children

iii)               Isolation by neighbors

iv)               Church leaders

v)                 Lack of school fees

vi)               Low self esteem


After they shared their challenges, they were told to write what they could like to be in future, majority were for being teachers, some wanted to be doctors, judges, nurses ,pastors, lawyers, police, president, mps, pilots, governors,senetors, ward representatives and also prominent business people.

This was conducted during the first session where by they went for lunch which was organized at the office.

After lunch the young ones were dismissed paving way for counseling session for the older ones who were at the age of puberty. This session helped the organization to know some of the challenges that the adolescent face due to their mothers being sex workers. After the session, they dispersed with a promise from the counselors to do a follow up session with the children.


Sex workers addressing challenges faced

On 30th September, 2014 the sex workers called for a stakeholders meeting with their lawyer to address the challenges they face. Among the invited were;
• Club bouncers
• Health care providers,
• Sex workers
• Security guards
• Boda boda operators
• Bar managers
• Receptionists
• Lawyer
• Police officers
The meeting was to address some of the violations of sex workers rights that had been reported to the office which included, harassment by the bouncers from the club, rape cases by boda bodas, sex workers being sent away from bars with claims they do not want parking ladies, stigma from the community and especially the health care providers and finally police arrests and seeking for bribes.

Experience sharing from specific sex workers drove the message home which in turn touched the hearts of the invited guests who promised to provide support and be nice to sex workers. The touching story was of a particular bar which is a hot spot and he had banned sex workers from waiting for clients there, he agreed to support sex workers and lifted the ban. He even requested we help him locate one sex worker who had stolen from a client at the same bar of which we agreed to do so as long as we get the details of the girl.

Finally the meeting came to an end with a positive impact where every gate keeper promised to give support, the boda boda chairman gave out his contacts plus the ones for the security personnel to be called anytime a sex worker is in danger, the health care provider also gave his contact and agreed to treat the sex workers anytime they are at the health facility, the receptionists also agreed not to be selling the free condoms at the dispensers to the sex workers and finally the sex workers promised to be disciplined and stop stealing from clients!

Condom shortage in Busia town

We sex workers of Busia believe in our slogan of “condom is good all the time and all the time condom is good and that is our nature”! Surprisingly, we are not living to our slogan due to inadequate supply of condoms.

Our main condom supplier who are PS-Kenya together with the ministry of health have not been able to make the necessary deliveries for the past three months, which has made it impossible for sex workers to carry on with their business smoothly. To some extent, a few condom dispensers have been spotted having used sanitary pads and black notes due to being without condoms for long.

We have reached out to our partners who include; Ampath-plus, Busia wellness centre and the public health office but they also sing the same song like us ‘they do not have enough condoms’ they are waiting for new stock!

Kindly we are appealing to other partners and organization out there, who could be having some in store to help us please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


When a client won’t just finish………

One evening  CHRISTABEL a sex worker in Busia County went out on business at Governors lounge which is one of the hot spots where sex workers get clients in busia town. As usual, she got to the hot spot and after a short while got her first client JACK who they agreed on the price of a shot and later went to Florida guest house for business.

Upon reaching the guest house they got down to business as they had agreed. Normally a shot takes about 15mins but this went on and on and on, until Christabel was wondering when it was going to end. After a long wait that never came to an end Jack decide to use his fingers when his dick had failed him.

This was even worse than the act itself, he finger fucked the lady until   she started to bleed, Christabel couldn’t take it anymore that’s when she decided to call for help, she managed to send a text to her fellow sex workers who came to her rescue.

Sex workers who came were paralegals they talked to the security personnel and together they went and knocked on the door, the client opened the door and Christabel was released and jack was forced to pay double the amount and also paid for the damage he had caused.

The names used are not the true names of the victims








survivors conduct htc outreach in busia town


On 27/9/ 2014, survivors’ organization conducted HTC services in Busia town at Holiday Inn, in partnership with APHIA PLUS WESTERN KENYA. The aim of the HTC service was to test both the MSMs and FSWs so that they may know their status.

The activity started at 6pm where by the 8 mobilizes went round giving information on the importance of knowing one’s status. We managed to provide services to 113 (female 34 then male 79). We also managed to distribute 353 condoms. Surprisingly the majority of those who came for the test were MSMs; this means that the MSMs are out to know their status which is very good.
Mobilization team did their best to ensure the right and positive information was well facilitated.

.We managed to reach a quite number of people
. Right and clear positive information on correct and consistent condom use was well spread.

Having 10 counselors’ our target was 150 clients in which we were unable to reach .

It started raining early thus lead to low turn up of clients.


Sex workers in class……

In September, peer educators from Survivors Busia conducted two trainings, targeting Female Sex Workers (FSWs) and Men who have Sex with Men (MSMs) for Splash inside out and Sister to sister projects.

The Splash inside out was for the both FSWs and MSMs Peer educators while the Sister to Sister was for the FSWs only. The trainings were each for three days and the aim was to refresh the peer educator’s memory and enable them disseminate quality information to the peers.

The sister to sister project is a new intervention that seeks to address the needs of sex workers through one on one basis within duration of 45 minutes. The intervention has all the steps required which involves risk assessment, health education, condom negotiation skills, condom demonstration and finally referral for bio-medical services.

The highlight of the training was about the reporting tools which have been a problem to some of the peer educators and needed time to be taken through to make reporting easy and also be able to collect quality data. Another highlight is that the training pave way for replacement of some peer educators who had changed town. New peer educators were trained to fill the gaps. The six days were full of group work discussions, presentation and active participation by all members.

At the end of the training the members left while happy and were given reporting tools and transport as motivation and headed straight to the hot spot for the moonlight HTC outreach to mobilize their peers and clients for the service.